S/N: N0055
circa:late 19thC
1.50 X 0.71 m (59in.X 28in.)
Paraphrasing of the Dermatoglyphic Pattern:
treasure of Buddhism”
branch flower dermatoglyphic pattern
Ningxia rug, hand knotted wool, Western China,
19thC, good pile, ends expertly rewoven in China, Fu dogs are used
for the two medallions, sometimes called a lioness and her cub, soft
fruit red with a yellow border, rose, apricot, and shades of blue.
Information links:http://www.cctv.com/program/jb/20040607/102476.shtml
Expert's comment of Beijing Imperial Palace Museumt(top museum of
Name of Work : Lion and Flowers on Plush Red base carpet
Origin of Work:
This work was collected when the the collector's friend went to Ningxia
for an errand many years ago , for giving assistance to a certain
family, this carpet was subsequently presented to his friend.
Characteristics of the Work; The carpet is 228 cm long and 70 cm wide.
While the main color is woodish red, it also includes deep blue, pale
blue, yellow, chalk, golden yellow color etc Its edge is adorn with
lotus flower trimmings. Its motive is composed of twin lions and flowered
vines decorated with crysanthemum flowers, buddha's palm and granate
fruit symbolizing the fruitful progeneration of one's bloodline. The
carpet is closely weaved with a relatively long down.
Related background information: During the Ming and Qing period ,
Ningxia had already become a main destination centre in the Northwest
neighbouring the Alayssian Highlands to the NW of Helan mountain.
At that time Allaysian wool was traded here and weaved into carpets.
This kind of Alayssian wool carpets came to be called Ningxia Carpets.
At the end of Ming and the beginning of the Qing periods , the areas
temples under went large scale expansion and Ningxia carpets were
used as adornments inside the temples. With its increased demand,
Ningxia carpet industry begain to quickly flourish. The special character
of Ningxia carpets is their color combination, typically blue colored
flowers and vines , will be combined with red, yellow and pale blue
colors, with the considered use of colors, colors may also vary depending
on status. Yellow being specially reserved for royal use, red for
aristocrats and those of high estate.
Appraisal Expert: Liu Baojian, Beijing Imperial Palace Museum, has
been involved in the research in items used in ancient palaces for
over 20 years.
Expert's comment: This rug was made after Qianlong period Qing Dynasty,
hand made carpet from Ningxia area. The main adorning picture involves
symbolic animals and flowers, its main arrangement gives prominance
to the motive with a balanced addition of adornments. Its compostion
is auspicious. Apart from the main woodish red base color, it possesses
8 or 9 other colors from plant dyes. The freshness and endurance of
its colors being its most special features. This is where its superiority
lies. Based on its weave, it was placed in a temple corridor, but
for unknown reasons, alterations were made to it which are still visible,
this is the blemish on this carpet, without which its price would
be much higher by many times (approx. RMB120000) so this is extremely
regretful. Nontheless based on the skill and production year, its
has not loss its basic price as a collectable. Especially as this
type of carpets are rare in today's antique carpet market, an estimated
price of 50000 RMB would not be excessive.